

Read the press archives for Novable: an AI-powered startup and innovation scouting platform offering corporate clients an ultra-precise service! Read an article written for Sifted on corporate innovation challenges (the Financial Times-back online news about Startups in Europe). The main topic addressed was that more and more large companies are running startup programs, hackathons, and other types of venture labs. But we still believe they are not doing enough. Each and every large business has a role to play in fostering global innovation. If they don’t do that, there is always an unprecedented opportunity for companies that are small and medium-sized.

The Big Score 2022
The Big Score broke all the records in 2022. Thank you to Patrick Steinfort for spending a few words on what we do at Novable!
imec.istart acceleration program
Discover 10 new tech start-ups chosen for the imec.istart accelerator program to scale and break through internationally.
Artificial Intelligence -- NLP
Discover four entrepreneurs who are interested in artificial intelligence. The Start-up Story program introduces you to young Brussels companies.
Artificial Intelligence BX1 interview
Discover four entrepreneurs who are interested in artificial intelligence. The Start-up Story program introduces you to young Brussels companies.
Novable Success Story LN24 Interview
Listen to Novable Success Story. Laurent Kinet and Olivier Beaujean explain why Novable is a great innovation tool and much more.
Novable Startup Scouting Press
Young shoots with serious growth are not that easy to find, and until now the competence has rested with consultants and innovation managers in companies to investigate which startup should be bought in time.
Novable Innovation Scouting Press - startup
Face à la concurrence, les entreprises sont de plus en plus poussées à acquérir des startups pour profiter de leurs avancées technologiques tout en gagnant du temps en recherche et développement.
Novable Startup Scouting Press - start-ups
“Notre solution permet d'économiser un temps précieux aux consultants et aux personnes responsables de l'innovation dans les entreprises.”
Novable La Libre Press - start-ups
“Aux yeux des grandes entreprises, explique Laurent Kinet, CEO de Novable, elles cristallisent l’avant-garde de l’innovation technologique. Elles sont comme la boule de cristal qui permet d’anticiper les tendances futures d’un secteur ou d’un marché”.
Corporate innovation Challenge Press
If European middle-market businesses entered the startup arena with strength, determination and high innovation expectations, our startup ecosystems might well become the ultimate weapon to get a voice in the geo-strategic economic battle.
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