
imec istart participation
Imec istart's acceleration program was Novable's next step to reach new levels of growth and innovation. Thank you Bloovi for your words!
The Big Score 2022
The Big Score broke all the records in 2022. Thank you to Patrick Steinfort for spending a few words on what we do at Novable!
Artificial Intelligence -- NLP
Discover four entrepreneurs who are interested in artificial intelligence. The Start-up Story program introduces you to young Brussels companies.
cybersecurity for corporate innovation
Discover 5 companies protecting companies' assets around the world with the latest cybersecurity technologies.
3D food printing for corporate innovation
3D printing has brought a lot of innovation to the field. Discover how it is now possible to print edible food with these solutions
corporate venturing for corporate innovation
Read the most relevant takeaways from corporate venturing: from scouting to integration - an innovation journey webinar.
Realco for corporate innovation
Realco uses Novable's platform to reach their objectives, stay ahead and monitor their company's and technology's environment
virtual tennis for corporate innovation
Innovation scouting is easy with Novable. There are many companies helping the industry to become a better athlete: 12 solutions.
industry 4.0 for corporate innovation
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is changing the way businesses operate and the environments in which they are forced to compete.
clients use cases for corporate innovation
From uncommon to most common ways that users utilize Novable's fastest corporate venture platform. Get inspired for your next search.
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