

Read the press archives for Novable: an AI-powered startup and innovation scouting platform offering corporate clients an ultra-precise service! Read an article written for Sifted on corporate innovation challenges (the Financial Times-back online news about Startups in Europe). The main topic addressed was that more and more large companies are running startup programs, hackathons, and other types of venture labs. But we still believe they are not doing enough. Each and every large business has a role to play in fostering global innovation. If they don’t do that, there is always an unprecedented opportunity for companies that are small and medium-sized.

Corporate innovation Challenge Press
If European middle-market businesses entered the startup arena with strength, determination and high innovation expectations, our startup ecosystems might well become the ultimate weapon to get a voice in the geo-strategic economic battle.
AI-powered innovation scouting technology Novable Press
We consider that a startup, or an innovation cluster, is not an isolated, standalone entity. Behind the startup name, you have founders, employees, real persons that interact with an environment: a technology, a business model, customers, partners, investors, stakeholders.
Novable startup scouting press
Aujourd’hui, à l’issue d’un briefing stratégique destiné à comprendre ce que recherche exactement le client, la machine prend en charge ces tâches fastidieuses en quelques millisecondes et pour un résultat meilleur, tout en laissant l’intelligence humaine prendre les décisions finales.
AI to scout for trending startups Novable Press
Novable offers corporate clients an ultra-precise sourcing platform thanks to algorithms crawling the websites of startups and machine learning, based on a written brief.
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