
Erika Piaz
Human and AI collaboration
Successful businesses recognise the necessity of both human and AI capabilities in driving innovation and productivity. Are you one of them?
FTI SuperNova 2024
FTI SuperNova is an event for tech entrepreneurs, investors, and innovation lovers who seek funding or want to be inspired. Meet Novable there!
open innovation technology
Open innovation and Corporate Venturing activities are gaining traction within large organisations, together with investments in new technologies.
Technology scouting involves discovering and assessing new or existing technologies. Work smarter, not harder by using the most efficient solution.
water filtration solutions
Water filtration is a vital step towards ensuring access to clean, safe drinking water. Discover 5 innovative solutions in the industry.
Corporate-startup collaboration: Why and when do corporates engage with startups? How do firm-specific conditions influence decisions?
cut down startup qualification time
Startup qualification involves a mix of strategic analysis and alignment with your corporate goals. Novable can help in every aspect of it.
This article explores the concept of a competitive landscape, delineates its benefits, outlines its structure, and underscores the process of crafting a competitive context analysis.
Startup Scouting is vital with Novable
The landscape of innovation is transforming, as major corporations increasingly recognise the impact of efficient startup scouting. Don't be late!
Startup Sourcing Corporate Accelerator Programs
Corporate Accelerator Programs have emerged as pivotal vehicles for innovation among established firms. Startup Scouting is the most crucial step.
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