

Read the latest insights on the activities of startup and innovation scouting. Bringing Artificial Intelligence in innovation and startup scouting is like having a consultant in a machine, or an Artificial Consultant that combines the best of both indeed:

On the one hand, the computer understands your briefing just like a human would do in a meeting room. You will speak with your natural language and the computer will deliver a human-level quality.
On the other hand, it’s still a computer with all the benefits that come with it. It works 24/7, is never out, never sick, delivers results at light speed. It also updates deliverables permanently, improves itself — all things allowed by computing power and big-data reach.

fight SAD syndrome for corporate innovation
We call it the SAD syndrome, as a three-step fatalism: Spot — Analyse — Drop. Thousands of hours wasted in vain. Too bad. SAD. Spot. Analyse. Drop. Repeat.
Startup gives a glimpse of the future - Startup scouting - Novable
Think about it. In our world that has been pervaded by technology and data, how is it possible that an activity mobilising zillions of dollars still relies on… opportunity and manual search?
Corporate Innovation
Believe it or not, we consider corporations and large companies to be the most innovative bodies on earth. Read on to find out why.
Novable combines two key words for us: “enable” and “innovation”. That’s what we do.
Novable’s strategic assumption is that companies today don’t take the most out of technology to turn their startup scouting activities faster, easier and much more efficient.
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