

You can find the main takeaways of all our webinars in this section. From real case studies to more general conversations about corporate innovation.

collaboration for corporate innovation
Read the full transcript about how Novable helps smooth out the journey toward corporate innovation and how it saves you time in finding quality candidates.
collaboration for corporate innovation
Find out how Novable helps smooth out the journey toward corporate innovation and how it saves you time in finding quality candidates.
corporate venturing for corporate innovation
Read the most relevant takeaways from corporate venturing: from scouting to integration - an innovation journey webinar.
innovation scouting for corporate innovation
Read the full transcript of Innovation Scouting and Corporate Venturing Webinar: the AI tipping point, given by Novable and Scoutely jointly.
innovation scouting
Read about the most relevant takeaways from the Innovation Scouting and Corporate Venturing: the AI Tipping Point Webinar.
Novable INSEAD Innovation club
Innovation is a key driver for growth. Increasingly, companies have started to build or expand their innovation capabilities, but some of their activities are still very little innovative on their own.