3 innovative solutions boosting corporate innovation in the quantum computing field

quantum computing. quantum computing. quantum computing. 

Paul Benioff of Argonne National Labs first proposed the notion of quantum computing in 1981. A few years later, David Deutsch from Oxford University came up with the concrete idea behind the concept and the possibility of creating a computer purely based on quantum parameters (source). The application of this technology represents a huge step toward corporate innovation. Let’s start by gaining the main insights on the topic!

Quantum Computing is related to the creation of technologies based on the ideas of quantum theory. Quantum theory explains the nature and behaviour of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic levels (electrons and photons). A quantum computer operates by controlling the behaviour of these particles, in a way that is completely different from regular computers. Therefore, it has to be considered a completely new kind of device instead of a simple improvement of standard PCs.

quantum computing for corporate innovation

The IBM Q System One (January 2019) was the first quantum computing system for scientific and commercial use.

A quantum computer acquires a large portion of its processing capability through the capacity of particles to be in several states simultaneously. These particles are called quantum bits. Each is characterized by a charge, or polarisation, that serves as a representation of the numbers 0 and/or 1. 
In other words, a regular computer simulates bits that assume either the value 0 or 1, while a quantum bit has a more fluid, nonbinary identity. It can exist in a superposition or a combination of 0 and 1. Its identity is on a spectrum.

Having the potential to impact so many aspects of our lives, our Novable Agents provided us with a list of companies operating in the field. Definitely an opportunity for businesses to level up their corporate innovation strategy.

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1. Horizon Quantum Computing

Horizon Quantum Computing is developing an innovative method for quantum programming that enables applications written in a single unified language. These can be built and executed on either traditional or quantum computers, resulting in quick and effective implementations regardless of the platform. Its approach relies on a method that automatically creates quantum algorithms from standard language programs. 

In this way, a higher level of flexibility is offered. Instead of using libraries of pre-programmed algorithms, new domains can be explored without in-depth quantum knowledge. The secret behind this technology? The technique adopted by the company allows the programmer to get a quantum speedup without the need to grasp the underlying computational model. This enables programmers to create quantum algorithms without having any prior quantum understanding.

2. QuTech

QuTech proposes a completely new technology. The goal is to create scalable prototypes of an inherently secure quantum internet and computer, based on the basic principles of quantum physics. The company brings together engineers, scientists, and businesses in a motivating setting to reach this objective and work on overcoming the challenges in between. QuTech believes that quantum technology has the potential to revolutionise a wide range of social and economic fields, including health, agriculture, environmental concerns, and safety. 

Quantum technology is complicated. Therefore, the full potential of quantum computing cannot be fully realised by only one research group or organisation alone. Collaboration is key because corporate innovation success depends on it.

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3. Atom Computing

Atom Computing is creating gate-based quantum computers that are highly scalable and enable academics and businesses to make ground-breaking discoveries. Developers require universal quantum computers with lots of error-corrected qubits and quick operations in order to deliver applications with commercial value. The technology offered by Atom Computing includes:

  • Massive scalability: neutral atom qubits can be held only a few millimetres apart in an array since they have no electrical charge. The atomic array can be extended to thousands or even millions of qubits without significantly altering the system’s total footprint. 
  • Fidelity: neutral atoms are essentially identical. Therefore, there are no basic physics barriers to establishing sufficiently high fidelity to permit fault tolerance at scale. 
  • Reduced complexity: rather than having discrete electrical connections linking to each qubit, all of the control functions are mediated by light travelling over space. 

Quantum computing additional value

With further research, incredible solutions could be offered to humankind. In this interesting TedTalk, 3 potential applications that could boost corporate innovation opportunities and change our lives are explained: 

  • Quantum uncertainty could be used to create private keys for encrypting messages sent from one location to another. Hence, hackers wouldn’t be able to secretly copy the key because they would have to break the laws of quantum physics to do so. This kind of unbreakable encryption is already being tested by banks and other institutions worldwide.
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  • Quantum technologies could transform the health care and medicine sector. The design of molecules for drug development is a challenging problem today. That’s because exactly describing and calculating all of the quantum properties of all the atoms in the molecule is a computationally difficult task. However, a quantum computer would operate using the same quantum properties as the molecule it’s trying to simulate. In this way, future large-scale quantum simulations for drug development could perhaps lead to treatments for currently terminal diseases.
  • Quantum computers would allow the teleportation of information from one location to another without physically transmitting the information. This is possible because fluid identities of quantum particles can get entangled across space and time. Therefore, if you change something about one particle, it can impact the other, creating a channel for teleportation. It has already been demonstrated in research labs. The design and implementation of these innovative protocols would lead to teleportation among different users in the network, efficient data transmission, and even secure voting.

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